Vivid: Bibendum’s environmental pledge

By Elona Hesseling on 08 April 2022

At Bibendum we are intent on shaking up the sustainable status quo, partnering with mindful producers while pursuing a positive impact on the planet and our communities.

Our Vivid charter was founded in 2008, and, drawing on expertise from across the business, our internal Vivid team works with customers, suppliers and partners to promote sustainable practices in all aspects of wine distribution.

As part of the C&C Group, our drive towards sustainability has become even more important and impactful. We are currently working with the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) to set approved science-based, carbon reduction targets to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, and help limit global warming to well below 2°C. This entails reducing our *Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 35% and our Scope 3 emissions by 25% by 2030, versus 2019/2020. We have also pledged to be a carbon neutral business by 2050.

A sustainable supply chain model

The only way we can achieve our Scope 3 targets is by collaborating with our supply chain partners. A critical step in developing this, is C&C’s new ‘Ethical and Sustainable Procurement Strategy’. Considering wider social and ethical issues, including climate change, this approach includes asking our partners to report their climate and water performance via CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project), encouraging them to set science-based emission reduction targets, and engaging our supply chain to understand how they manage their climate change risks, as well as their overall ethical approach.

George Kyle, our head of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), explains, “Under our new Ethical and Sustainable Procurement approach, we have written to suppliers to request that they sign up to our Code of Conduct and Modern Slavery policy, as a fundamental requirement of trading with our business. We also now require our partners to complete a questionnaire confirming their commitment to sustainability.”

The Graham Beck nature reserve

“We recognise that sustainability needs to be embraced at every stage of the supply chain to be successful. Audits and reviews are carried out both during initial procurement and over the lifetime of our major suppliers’ contract to assess their track record in environmental management, health and safety, sustainability, diversity, ethical approach, and overall corporate social responsibility.”

Supply Chain Screening

Last year, we signed up to participate in the CDP Supply Chain Screening Programme. This will see us work with 120 strategic supply chain partners, requesting them to take a science-based approach in disclosing their climate-related information – which will allow us to measure environmental impacts and collaborate on how we meet carbon reduction targets.

Recognising our approach, in February 2022, CDP awarded C&C Group an A-rating for Supplier Engagement, acknowledging our performance on governance, targets, scope 3 emissions, and value chain engagement in the CDP Climate Change questionnaire.

As part of our work with SBTi, we’ve committed that suppliers and customers making up 67% of our Scope 3 emissions, will have science-based targets in place by 2026.

Flowers grow in the organic vineyards of Argento

Why do our ESG goals matter?

We are committed to having a positive impact on the planet and our communities – and working with all of our partners and stakeholders, we hope to be the change we want to see, while encouraging others to join us. After all, sustainability isn’t about doing good things in isolation – it’s about how these efforts come together to create a more wholly sustainable piece of land, business, country, and planet.

*SCOPE 1: All Direct Emissions from the activities of an organisation or under their control; SCOPE 2: Indirect Emissions from electricity purchased and used by the organisation; SCOPE 3: All Other Indirect Emissions (purchased goods, downstream transport and use of sold goods).

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